- Create Subdomain (ex: client.yourdomain.com)
- Download and upload script to your subdomain
- Open and edit file CONFIG.PHP on folder ADMIN
- Add your API KEY There (API will be send after you finishing payment)
- Now you can login on admin area (ex: client.yourdomain.com/admin)
- You can manage/update client area as ADMIN
$API_SCRIPT_URL = 'http://api.mswhmcs.exe.bz/mining/api/admin.json';
$API_SCRIPT_URL_CLIENT = 'http://api.mswhmcs.exe.bz/mining/api/client.json';
$API_SCRIPT_URL = 'http://api.mswhmcs.exe.bz/mining/api/admin.json';
$API_SCRIPT_URL_CLIENT = 'http://api.mswhmcs.exe.bz/mining/api/client.json';
Setelah login admin berhasil kemudian masuk area setting terlebih dahulu, lakukan setting email agar semua notifikasi transaksi uji coba sukses terkirim ke email anda bila terjadi registrasi, order, suspend, maupun support ticket.